Handyman And Home Owners

  • Five Things You Should Know before Hiring a Handyman - Finding a good handyman seems to be as difficult as finding an honest politician. They seem to be few and far between and once you found one that you can trust, you tell all of your friends, because they're having the same problem. Let me see if I can help you solve your home repair problems.
  • Why Hire a Professional Handyman for Home Repairs - Well think about this for moment, would you rather hire a lawyer who has experience and is a professional or would you be satisfied hiring a lawyer fresh out of law school. Hiring a professional handyman versus someone in the neighborhood who fiddles around with simple home repairs, can make all the difference in the world, between a home repair that last temporarily or one that lasts for a long period of time.
  • Should I Hire a Handyman Who Doesn't Have Enough Experience? - Well, let me run this by you and see if you can answer this question for yourself. I would like to use an example of something that I have personally done myself, to see if you can put yourself in my shoes, even if it's only for a moment.
  • Do-It-Yourself Home Repairs - Be Careful - How do I put this in the simplest terms to make most do-it-yourself handyman are homeowners understand that there are some things that their not going to be able to tackle by themselves. I don't advise anyone to mess around with electrical, plumbing, heating or structural framing, if they don't have any idea what they are working with.
  • Think Twice before Hiring Your Friend - Since I've been working in the building industry for over three decades, I have ran into almost everything you could possibly ever imagine, but every once in awhile, I run into something that hasn't ever happened to me before.
  • Comparing Individual Construction Estimates with Each Other - It's easier to do when you're in the store shopping for fruit, comparing apples to apples. You examine each apple individually, to make sure that there aren't any problems with it, and purchase the best ones available, at the best prices. You're obviously not going to buy an apple that you don't like the taste of, so you won't even be examining these apples.
  • Understanding Your Online Contractor Referral Company - This is a special message to all homeowners and other contractors who use some online contractor referral companies. Some of these companies charge outrageous fees and you should be aware, of the fees that these companies charge, before using their services.