
  • Business Fundamentals - Construction Advice for Contractors - I've been working in the construction business for over 30 years and have spent over 25 of them as a General Building Contractor. It's hard to imagine that much time has came and gone, but it has.
  • Remodeling Rip Offs - Don't Let This Happen to You If You’re a Contractor - If there's one thing you can count on reading in the newspapers, it's a story about a contractor who's taken advantage of a homeowner. Rarely do we you ever find a story in the newspaper about a homeowner who took advantage of a contractor. That's what I'm going to share with you here today.
  • Becoming a Contractor Changed My Life Forever - I started working as a carpenter when I was young and by the time I was 25 years old, had my contractor's license. I didn't know if I was ever going to be a building contractor, but my dad told me to give it a shot. He said that I would regret not having it, if the right opportunity ever came along. He was right, but I only realized that years later.
  • I Am Handling This for a Friend - Contractor Horror Stories - Recently I went to look at a bathroom and kitchen remodeling project and when I introduced myself to the man I was supposed to meet with, he didn't respond in the appropriate manner. He didn't give me his name and I couldn't get it out of him.
  • Bartering in the Construction Business Could Be a Waste of Time - Every once in a while, I go out to give an estimate to a unsuspecting predator who wants to barter for my materials and services. The word predator is probably a little too harsh, but most of the time, these types of people are only interested in bartering, if there going to be getting a better deal than you are.
  • If It's on the Plans, You Better Put It in the House -
    The advice that I am about to give you, is from years of experience as a home builder and home remodeler. I have built so many things, so many different ways and am familiar with so many different types of building systems that it would make your head spin right off of your body.
  • The Dog That Kept Jumping off of the Roof - Room Addition Contractors - I was building a two-story room addition one time and the homeowners really didn't seem like they were interested in taking care of their dog. I would often clean up the dog poop in the backyard,
  • Meticulous Homeowners Can Be a Contractor's Worst Nightmare - It was probably around 20 years ago when I built a two-story room addition in one of the worst rainy seasons, Southern California ever seen. Both of the homeowners were extremely meticulous people and I was about to learn one of the greatest lessons in my life as a contractor.
  • You're Not Going to Believe This One - Roofing Contractor Installs Roof on The Wrong House - It was probably about 15 years ago when me and another contractor were working for a roofing contractor, when every once in a while, something out of the ordinary happens.
  • How to Make More Money As a Remodeling Contractor - I hope that there aren't any homeowners reading this article, because I could be giving away some very important secrets about home remodeling. If you're a homeowner and not a remodeling contractor you should stop reading the article right here.
  • The Science of the Homeowners Mind - Building Contractor Secrets - I worked for a general contractor one time who worked for a Project manager that majored in psychology. This man would often lose his temper around people that he knew, but rarely lost his temper around people that he didn't.
  • Seven Reasons Why You Should Quit Contracting and Find Another Job - I've been a licensed general building contractor for over 20 years now and have been working in the construction business since 1978. I don't know how many times I've thought about quitting, but haven't yet.
  • Contractors Lose Thousands of Jobs Each Year, Because They're Right And Their Clients Are Wrong - It doesn't matter what type of contractor you are, if you run into a situation where the homeowner is right and they're trying to make you wrong, this isn't going to be a good situation to be in. Contractors lose thousands of jobs each year, because their right and their clients are wrong and it isn't getting any better.
  • 10 Mistakes Contractors Make – Home Building and Remodeling - I'm not suggesting that every contractor makes every one of these mistakes, but I would imagine that most contractors have made them in the past. If you're starting out as a home building or remodeling contractor,
  • Remodeling Contractors That Are Saving People's Lives - Most remodeling contractors don't think twice about the work they are doing, but I'm here to tell you that your job is very important and I would like to tell you why.
  • Scam Alert Warning for Contractors Dealing with Unscrupulous Homeowners - Almost every story then I read in the newspaper is about contractors that are scamming the homeowners. This story is going to be something a little different, it's about homeowners that don't think twice about scamming contractors.
  • The Homeowner’s Who Lied to the Contractor And Got Caught - Every once in a while, the contractor wins and this is one of those stories. This actually happened to me while I was working on a job for one of my best clients, cousins. I will never forget this as long as I live.
  • Remodeling Contractors Advice to Dealing with Foreigners - During one of my many bathroom remodeling adventures, I ran across a family that was from India who had only been in the country for a few years and was interested in remodeling their bathroom. I was the second contractor that they contacted but not the one that they hired.
  • Inspirational Story That Changed One Home Improvement Contractors Life Forever - I have been writing and sharing my stories with thousands of people, all over the United States and the story that I'm about to tell you, happen to someone that I truly enjoyed working with. This person's life changed forever, because one man chose to share something special with him.
  • 5 Stupid Things Contractors Say When They're Mad - I've been in the construction business for quite some time now and have witnessed plenty of contractors say things that they regret later on, simply because they were upset at someone else. Here's five stupid things contractors say when they're mad.
  • 5 Things Contractors Won't Tell Homeowners- Common Courtesy - One of the biggest problems in business today is communication and if you can't communicate effectively, you're going to have problems doing business. Here's 5 things contractors won't tell homeowners and some of these things usually effect their business.
  • Big Problems between Contractors and Procrastinators - If you're a building or remodeling contractor and you've never had to deal with a procrastinator before, I suggest that you pay attention to the information on this page. One of the biggest mistakes that I made was working with a procrastinator that couldn't make up his mind and it cost me a fortune.
  • How to Score Big Points with the Homeowner - Remodeling Contractor Tips - If you're serious about staying in business for a long time and you like working in the remodeling business, I would like to share a couple of things with you that could help you score big points with the homeowner.
  • Home Remodeling Contractor Finds the Perfect Client - The other day I was talking to another remodeling contractor and they were telling me a story about someone they were working for. I couldn't believe my ears as the contractor continued telling me nothing but good news about this client and what a wonderful time he had working for her.
  • What Happens to the Remodeling World When New House Construction Stops? - I read a book along time ago about the remodeling business. It stated that there is always going to be a need for home remodeling contractors and that this is an excellent business to be in. One of the things that this book forgot to mention, was what happens to the remodeling world when new house construction stops?
  • Contractors That Make It through Tough Economic Times - The more that I think about it, the more I remember about the lessons I learned from the construction companies that I used to work for. The contractors that made it through the tough economic times were usually the contractors that really knew how to run and operate a construction company.
  • Five Rules That Every Home Remodeling Contractor Should Follow - There is plenty of information out there for homeowners about contractors, but there is very little information about homeowners that home remodeling contractors should be aware of. Here are five simple rules that every home remodeling contractor should follow.
  • Building Contractor's Worst Nightmare - There is nothing worse than a homeowner who doesn't know what they want or what they want the project to actually look like. This has got to be the building contractor's worst nightmare and I would like to send a special message to any contractor who hasn't been through this nightmare before.
  • Five Reasons Homeowners Get Furious at Contractors - One of the worst things that can happen during any home remodeling project is to create a problem that can't be solved by the homeowner or the contractor. Here are five reasons that homeowners get furious at contractors.
  • Client Excuses For Contractors and My Solutions - I have heard almost every excuse that you could possibly think of, but every once in a while someone comes up with a new one that I've never heard before and I let them know what I think of them and their excuses.
  • Bathroom Remodeling Contractors Can Avoid Homeowner Nightmares - Working in the construction business for more than three decades and dealing with hundreds of clients and thousands of people, has taught me one thing and that's to be selective about who I choose to work for. Don't work for homeowners that are going to create a nightmare for your construction company.
  • Don't Just Work for Anyone - Advice to Remodeling Contractors - Often contractors seem to need work more than the homeowners seek the services of contractors, but I would like to give anyone in their remodeling business, a little bit of advice, when it comes to selecting the right homeowners to work for.
  • Contractors Need to Be Nice to Homeowners - I have been dealing with both contractors in homeowners for many years now and one of the biggest problems I have with each one of them, is their ability to be cruel and mean. Once they become irritated, they can often say cruel things that they might not mean and might not ever be able to take back.
  • Bathroom Contractor Safety - This article isn't about contractors using the bathrooms safely, it's about contractors working on someone's house, remodeling a bathroom. When working on any part of the home, a contractor and his workers should think and work safely on any project, but working in a bathroom with more than one person can become a contractors safety nightmare.
  • Contractors Dream Come True - The Ultimate Referral Slot Machine - It was about 15 years ago when I met a woman who consistently provided my construction company with work. This lady was truly any contractors dream come true. Every job that she sent me was already pre-sold. She told everyone that she knew about me and she turned out to be the ultimate referral slot machine. I really couldn't believe my luck.